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Job evaluation is a process for determining the value of an individual job. It begins with job analysis to obtain job descriptions and then relates the descriptions by a system designed to determine the relative value of jobs or groups of jobs. Evaluators have been using job evaluation for the determination of fair rates in the BC Forest Industry for over sixty years.
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Amending an Existing Job Study Record
Our plywood job evaluation program uses a scale as its "yardstick" to measure the differences among jobs. The scale is a number of selected common factors which are defined into degrees. The number and weight of degrees in each factor is allocated and defined. The factors are then weighted with respect to the relative value of the different factors in terms of their respective importance to the plywood industry on an overall basis. Point values are then assigned to each degree of each factor. When the degree points are added up, a numerical value or grade is reached which is then applied to a wage curve showing the appropriate wage for the grade.
The plywood job evaluation program includes a category comparison check before the final grade is submitted. This involves comparing the newly evaluated point value and each factor to all other similar jobs and factor weighting in that specific job category and all other job categories to ensure the point decision is consistent with others in the industry and that it?s not out of line. This procedure allows a final check to confirm that the determination is correct before the results are released which is very important because the plywood points scale is very sensitive. An evaluated difference of ten points can be plus or minus one group on the wage curve.
Decisions of the evaluators, in this program, are final and binding.