Administration Process
In order to ensure uniform application, a Committee shall be constituted and named the Industry Rate Determination Committee and will consist of one (1) member representative of the Company, and one (1) member representative of the United Steelworkers. The Industry Rate Determination Committee shall assume general responsibility for the administration of the BC Coast Sawmill Rate Determination Program.
The Sawmill Rate Determination Program shall be administered jointly on a day-to-day basis by the Industry Rate Determination Committee. Any agreement reached in this manner regarding the disposition of a category rate clearance application received from the Local Union-Local Management level shall be final and binding on the Parties.
If no agreement can be reached in this manner regarding the disposition of a category rate clearance application received from the Local Union-Local Management level, the matter shall be referred to the USW Coast Negotiating Committee and Forest Industrial Relations Limited (Industry Representative) in accordance with Section 1 of this Article.
Applications for the rate determination of hourly-paid categories shall consist of a Request For Rate Determination Application Form containing sufficient information for the subsequent work of the Industry Rate Determination Committee. All Request For Rate Determination Application Forms shall be completed at the Local Union-Local Management level before being forwarded to the Industry Rate Determination Committee for further action.
- USW: USW Technical Advisor – Shawn Harris
- FIR Coast Master Agreement: Forest Industrial Relations VP – Tom Getzie
- Western Forest Products: Human Resources – Kita Parker
- International Forest Products: Manager, Human Resources, Canadian Operations – Christina Burke
- Terminal Forest Products: Rajan Bains